Pendampingan Praktik Shalat Jama’ dan Qashar Masyarakat di Desa Katol Barat Geger Bangkalan


  • Sama’un Sama’un STIU Darussalam Bangkalan Madura
  • Moh Sholeh STIU Darussalam Bangkalan Madura
  • Shonhaji Shonhaji STIU Darussalam Bangkalan Madura



Assistance, Jama' and Qashar, West Katol


A Assistance in the practice of jama' and qashar prayers for the community in the village of Katol Barat Geger Bangkalan. The formulation of the problem raised in this community service activity is related to the weak understanding of the community in the West Katol village of Geger Bangkalan about religion, especially in the ubudiyah problem regarding congregational prayers and qashar. To find alternative solutions to the above, women's fiqh mentoring and training was held. The objectives of this PKM activity are: 1. To equip the community in West Katol Geger Bangkalan village with religious knowledge. 2. Equip the people in the West Katol village of Geger Bangkalan with religious knowledge directly from the source, namely the Koran and hadith. 3. Increase the knowledge and knowledge of the community in West Katol Geger Bangkalan village, especially in ubudiyah issues related to worship. The problem solving framework designed in PKM activities in the form of implementing this training activity is: 1. An explanation of the meaning of jama' and qashar and their arguments. 2. Designing and carrying out assistance for the practice of jama' and qashar prayers for the community as exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad. 3. Evaluation of training results. Based on interviews, question and answer and direct observation during the activity, this community service activity yielded the following results: first, increased knowledge and understanding of the community in West Katol Geger Bangkalan village, second was equipping the community in West Katol Geger Bangkalan village with religious knowledge related to ubudiyah especially about jama' and qashar, the third is increasing knowledge and knowledge of the community.


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How to Cite

Sama’un Sama’un, Moh Sholeh, & Shonhaji Shonhaji. (2022). Pendampingan Praktik Shalat Jama’ dan Qashar Masyarakat di Desa Katol Barat Geger Bangkalan. Karunia: Jurnal Hasil Pengabdian Masyarakat Indonesia, 1(2), 01–08.