Penanganan Pascapanen Kopi Pada UMKM Kopi Kutjur di Desa Sumberrejo Kecamatan Purwosari
E-Commerce, UMKM, PemberdayaanAbstract
UMKM actors are one of the jobs of the majority of the people in Sumberejo Village. The lack of information and technology for UMKM players regarding the use of E-Commerce, which really helps UMKM actors to make sales and payments online. Community empowerment activities are carried out by outreach and assistance to provide knowledge and application of E-Commerce to market UMKM products. This activity went through two stages, namely the observation and interview stages. Observation and interview activities are carried out by creating E-Commerce which consists of registration to completion. The existence of socialization regarding E-Commerce can help UMKM actors to facilitate the sale and payment of UMKM products.
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