Sinar Dunia: Jurnal Riset Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan <div style="border: 3px #086338 Dashed; padding: 10px; background-color: #95eafd; text-align: left;"> <ol> <li><strong>Journal Title</strong>: Sinar Dunia: Jurnal Riset Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan</li> <li><strong>Initials</strong>: Sinar Dunia</li> <li><strong>Frequency</strong>: Maret, Juni, September dan Desember</li> <li><strong>Print ISSN</strong>: <em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2963-4997</a></em></li> <li><strong>Online ISSN</strong>: <em><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2963-542X</a></em></li> <li><strong>Editor in Chief</strong>: Dhanan Abimanto, S.Hum., M.Pd;</li> <li><strong>DOI</strong>: 10.58192</li> <li><strong>Publisher</strong>: UNIVERSITAS MARITIM AMNI SEMARANG</li> </ol> </div> <p style="text-align: left;"><img style="margin-left: 8px; margin-right: 15px; box-shadow: 5px 5px 5px gray; float: left;" src="" alt="" width="120" height="169" /></p> <div> <p style="text-align: justify;"><!-- ######## This is a comment ######## --></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Sinar Dunia: Jurnal Riset Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan: </strong><em>ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2963-4997</a> (cetak), ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2963-542X</a> (Online) </em>Menyambut baik kiriman yang memberikan wawasan tentang masalah terkini dan utama yang berhubungan dengan ilmu Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan. Artikel bisa ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris atau bahasa Indonesia. Jurnal <strong>Sinar Dunia</strong><strong> </strong>diterbitkan 4 kali setahun: <strong>Maret, Juni, September dan Desember</strong>. Silakan buat Artikel Template baru lalu kirimkan naskah Anda.</p> <p> </p> </div> <div> <p><strong style="font-size: 0.875rem;">Indexed by:</strong></p> <table style="height: 133px;" width="688"> <tbody> <tr> <td style="width: 132.275px;"><a href=";user=VZRRr6gAAAAJ&amp;view_op=list_works&amp;authuser=6&amp;sortby=title" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" width="1536" height="576" /></a></td> <td style="width: 132.275px;"><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" width="1280" height="480" /></a></td> <td style="width: 132.275px;"><a href=";lang=en" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" alt="" width="1536" height="576" /></a></td> <td style="width: 132.275px;"> </td> <td style="width: 132.3px;"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width: 132.275px;"> </td> <td style="width: 132.275px;"> </td> <td style="width: 132.275px;"> </td> <td style="width: 132.275px;"> </td> <td style="width: 132.3px;"> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> Universitas Maritim AMNI Semarang en-US Sinar Dunia: Jurnal Riset Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan 2963-4997 Analisis Kedisiplinan Mahasiswa Bimbingan Konseling Pendidikan Islam Semester 6 <p><em>This research aims to determine the discipline of students in the Islamic Education Guidance and Counseling Study Program Semester 6. This type of research is qualitative descriptive research with a phenomenological research method. The research objects were students of the 6th Semester Islamic Education Guidance and Counseling Study Program which were determined using purposive sampling. Data collection instruments use interview guidelines and are supported by observation and documentation activities. The research results show that indiscipline has a negative impact on the perpetrators, such as not understanding the material presented at the beginning, not being allowed to enter class, and resulting in poor final assessment results by the lecturer.</em></p> Sri Puspita Della Aryadi Arlina Arlina Muhammad Nur Huda Dessy Tri Afifah Copyright (c) 2024 Sinar Dunia: Jurnal Riset Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan 2024-07-06 2024-07-06 3 3 01 06 10.58192/sidu.v3i3.2337 Analisis Tingkat Pemahaman Calon Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah <p><em>Curriculum development is closely related to changes in world conditions because education will always lead to more profitable results for both teachers and students. The aim of the research was to determine the level of understanding of PGMI STAI Jam'iyah Mahmudiyah students regarding the independent learning curriculum. The type of research used is quantitative research. The data collection method used is indirect communication techniques. The data collection tool used is based on the selected data collection technique, namely a questionnaire. Collecting information through distributing questionnaires containing questionnaires to respondents. The hypothesis t test technique was carried out using the statistical package for social science (SPSS) data processor version 22 for Windows. The results of the research show that based on the data obtained, it can be seen that the level of significance is 0.001 &lt; 0.05 through paired sample t-test analysis. It can be used to predict the influence of variable implementation of the independent learning curriculum).</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Enda Lovita Pandiangan Satria Wiguna Raudhatul Jannah Haura Nabila Copyright (c) 2024 Sinar Dunia: Jurnal Riset Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan 2024-07-15 2024-07-15 3 3 07 15 10.58192/sidu.v3i3.2364 Strategi Komunikasi pada Relawan Tim P4GN (di bawah Naungan BNK) Kab. Sukoharjo dalam Sosialisasi Anti Narkoba <p><em>In Sukoharjo Regency there is a community and volunteers for the Prevention, Eradication, Abuse and Illegal Trafficking of Drugs (P4GN) under the auspices of the Sukoharjo Regency Narcotics Agency (BNK). Which operates in the field of drug education. The resource persons for this research were 7 (seven) volunteers from the P4GN Regency team. Sukoharjo. The aim of this research is to determine the communication strategies used by the Sukoharjo Regency P4GN team when carrying out anti-drug outreach</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Pramesti Regita Sari Copyright (c) 2024 Sinar Dunia: Jurnal Riset Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan 2024-07-18 2024-07-18 3 3 16 22 10.58192/sidu.v3i3.2374 Kesejahteraan Psikologis Anggota Kepolisian Bag Logistik Polresta Surakarta <p><em>A aw enforcement agency and public servant in Indonesia, the police must demonstrate good performance. In order to maintain and improve police performance, one way is to improve psychological well-being. This is because the better the psychological well-being, the better the performance. Psychological well-being can conceptually be influenced by demographic factors (age, gender, socio-economic status and culture). The author then developed these demographic factors into career development perception variables (socio-economic). Based on this, this study aims to see the psychological well-being of members of the Surakarta Police's logistics unit. The subjects of this study were 7 members of the logistics unit. The results of the study found that the psychological well-being of members of the logistics unit had a positive and significant influence on psychological well-being. </em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Ima Nia Uliasari Sri Ernawati Copyright (c) 2024 Sinar Dunia: Jurnal Riset Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan 2024-07-18 2024-07-18 3 3 23 27 10.58192/sidu.v3i3.2377 Gambaran Kontrol Diri Anggota Bintara Remaja di Polresta Surakarta <p><em>Self-control is a major component of the ability to override or change responses within oneself, as well as eliminate undesirable behavioral tendencies and refrain from an action taken. The target of the study was young non-commissioned officers aged 18 to 21 years. The purpose of this study was to determine self-control in young non-commissioned officers of the Surakarta Police. To obtain an overview of the level of self-control in young non-commissioned officers of the Surakarta Police. The number of samples used in this study was 7 people and the data collection techniques used in the study were observation and interviews. The results of this study indicate that the seven young non-commissioned officers of the Surakarta Police have good self-control, the seven members can control themselves with their respective strategies. </em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Tiara Fadhilah H.F Sri Ernawati Copyright (c) 2024 Sinar Dunia: Jurnal Riset Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan 2024-07-18 2024-07-18 3 3 28 32 10.58192/sidu.v3i3.2378 Pengaruh Dukungan Sosial terhadap Stress Kerja pada Anggota Polri di Polres Karanganyar <p><em>The police are a civil intermediary who regulates order and law. The function of the police is a state government function in the field of maintaining and securing public order. Therefore, the police's job is quite difficult, the challenges and pressure at work cause work stress. Social support from various parties is very effective in reducing work stress for police officers. This research aims to determine the effect of social support on work stress among police officers at the Karanganyar Police Station. The hypothesis proposed is that there is an influence between social support and work stress among police officers at the Karanganyar Police Station. This research uses quantitative methods with data collection techniques using questionnaires distributed to members</em><em>. </em><em>The conclusion of this research is that there is a significant influence between social support on work stress among police officers at Karanganyar Police. The higher the level of social support, the lower the level of work stress and conversely, if the social support is lower, the level of work stress will be higher. Therefore, social support can reduce or prevent work stress.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Annisa Dian Kharisma Copyright (c) 2024 Sinar Dunia: Jurnal Riset Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan 2024-07-19 2024-07-19 3 3 33 39 10.58192/sidu.v3i3.2383 Hubungan Work Life Balance dengan Kepuasan Kerja pada Anggota Polisi Polres Karanganyar <p><em>Work life balance is an individual's ability to carry out work with good commitment and be responsible for activities outside of work, which also involves a balance between work and family. Job satisfaction is a series of feelings that employees experience towards their work, whether it is pleasant or unpleasant. This research aims to determine the relationship between work life balance and job satisfaction among police officers at Karangnyar Police. The research method used in this research is a quantitative method. The population in this study were members of the Karanganyar Police, while the sample in this study was members of the Samapta police unit (Sat Samapta) totaling 52 respondents. The results of hypothesis testing show that the hypothesis proposed in this research cannot be accepted, namely because there is no significant or significant relationship between Work Life Balance and Job Satisfaction. The results of the correlation analysis between Work Life Balance and Job Satisfaction are 0.042 with a significance level of p = 0.768 (p &gt; 0.05).</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Qanita Alifatul Azzahra Sri Ernawati Copyright (c) 2024 Sinar Dunia: Jurnal Riset Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan 2024-07-19 2024-07-19 3 3 40 46 10.58192/sidu.v3i3.2385 Strategi Humas Melalui Literasi Digital untuk Meningkatkan Citra Positif SMK PGRI 2 Sidoarjo <p><em>This research aims to determine public relations strategies through digital literacy to improve the positive image of SMK PGRI 2 Sidoarjo. This research uses a qualitative type of research with a qualitative descriptive research approach. Data collection techniques in this research are interviews, observation and documentation. To confirm the research results, data validity techniques using source triangulation were used. This research uses data analysis through data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The research results explain that the public relations strategy through digital literacy at SMK PGRI 2 Sidoarjo is generally by forming good and attractive branding on school social media. By sharing achievements and positive activities at school. Then the public relations of SMK PGRI 2 Sidoarjo also carried out promotions, especially during new student registration. Public Relations of SMK PGRI 2 Sidoarjo also tries to establish good communication with students' parents via WhatsApp groups to share information related to the school. Based on this, public relations at SMK PGRI 2 Sidoarjo has made efforts to improve the school's positive image, especially through social media because it follows technological developments.</em></p> Ayu Sofi Syafitri Siti Sri Wulandari Copyright (c) 2024 Sinar Dunia: Jurnal Riset Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan 2024-07-22 2024-07-22 3 3 47 55 10.58192/sidu.v3i3.2392 Strategi Guru dalam Mengembangkan Kemampuan Literasi Siswa di Sekolah Dasar <p><em>Literacy skills are one of the basic competencies that every student at elementary school level must have. Literacy does not only include the ability to read and write, but also involves the ability to think critically, understand information, and apply knowledge in everyday life. This article aims to discuss various strategies that can be used by teachers in developing students' literacy skills in elementary schools. The research method used is literature study and descriptive analysis of various relevant sources. The research results show that the use of varied learning methods, project-based approaches, and integration of information technology are several effective strategies in improving students' literacy skills.</em></p> Ellystini Gea Faradiba Rukmanti Dosma Mulianti Br Manik Arna Dini Hulu Wandi Suprianto Zebua Copyright (c) 2024 Sinar Dunia: Jurnal Riset Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 3 3 56 62 10.58192/sidu.v3i3.2413 Efektivitas Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Game dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Sekolah Dasar <p><em>This research aims to evaluate the effectiveness of game-based learning methods in increasing elementary school students' learning motivation. In the digital era, the use of technology in education is increasing, including the integration of educational games as a learning tool. This method is expected to make the teaching and learning process more interesting and interactive, so that it can increase student learning motivation. This research uses a quantitative approach with an experimental design to measure changes in student learning motivation before and after implementing game-based learning methods.</em></p> Suci Hanifah Nahampun Prissy Patrisia Gurning Rahmad Nexandika Yusnia Aya Astuti Zalukhu Michelle Evelyne Sianturi Copyright (c) 2024 Sinar Dunia: Jurnal Riset Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan 2024-07-31 2024-07-31 3 3 63 68 10.58192/sidu.v3i3.2415 Strategi Orang Tua dengan Peran Ganda dalam Membentuk Karakter Anak <p><em>Parents are the first and main education in the family. The role of parents that can be carried out is by educating, nurturing and raising them until they become adults. In this case, parents have a very important role and parents are the first and main teachers for education and shaping children's character. As a single parent, you have to play multiple roles to ensure the continuity of your family's life. Single parents must be able to combine work and taking care of children well. This research method uses qualitative methods. The subjects in this research were parents with dual roles and children studying at Sanggar Bhineka, Sukoharjo Regency. The results of this research are that the dual role parental strategy in shaping children's character occurs well where children's manners and manners are formed very well.</em></p> Rantri Mustika Dewi Copyright (c) 2024 Sinar Dunia: Jurnal Riset Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan 2024-08-01 2024-08-01 3 3 69 84 10.58192/sidu.v3i3.2418 Pengembangan Pembelajaran Al-Islam dan Kemuhammadiyahan Berbasis Cooperative Learning dalam Membentuk Karakter Religius dan Demokratis Siswa di SMK Muhammadiyah Cerenti Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi <p><em>Al-Islam and Kemuhamadiyahan learning is a special feature in every Muhammadiyah educational institution, required to be able to form religious and democratic characters and preach them in an organized manner in accordance with the instructions of the Koran and Sunnah. This research aims to: 1) Describing Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan learning that has been implemented in shaping students' religious and democratic characters at SMK Muhammadiyah Cerenti. 2) Construction of the development of Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan learning based on Cooperative Learning in shaping the religious and democratic character of students at SMK Muhammadiyah Cerenti. 3) Conducting validity, practicality and effectiveness of the development of Al-Islam and Muhammadiyah learning based on Cooperative Learning in shaping the religious and democratic character of students at SMK Muhammadiyah Cerenti. This research uses a development research method or Research and Developmen (R&amp;D) with the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development or Production, Implementation or Delivery and Evaluations). The results of this study are 1) Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan learning carried out at SMK Muhmmadiyah Cerenti has not been oriented to the three character competencies that have been determined by the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership Education Council, in the form of attitude, knowledge and skills competencies. 2) Construction of Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan learning development based on Cooperative Learning in shaping students' religious and democratic characters at SMK Muhammadiyah Cerenti, 3) The development of Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan learning based on Cooperative Learning in shaping the religious and democratic character of students at SMK Muhammadiyah Cerenti, Kuantan Singingi Regency, has fulfilled the elements of validity, practicality, and effectiveness, so it is very effective to use.</em></p> Ahdanan Ahdanan Ahmad Sabri Muhammad Zalnur Copyright (c) 2024 Sinar Dunia: Jurnal Riset Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan 2024-08-02 2024-08-02 3 3 85 99 10.58192/sidu.v3i3.2423 Pengembangan Materi Ajar Pendidikan Islam Bernuansa Adat Basandi Syara’, Syara’ Basandi Kitabullah Bagi Narapidana di Rutan Kota Padang Panjang <p><em>A prisoner is someone who is serving a sentence in a detention center.&nbsp; This research aims to: 1) describe Islamic Education teaching materials in the Padang Panjang City State Detention Center. 2) Developing Islamic Education Teaching Materials with the nuances of Adat Basandi Syara', Syara' Basandi Kitabullah (ABS SBK). 3) Revealing the validity, practicality and effectiveness of the development of Islamic Education Teaching Materials with the nuances of Adat Basandi Syara', Syara' Basandi Kitabullah (ABS SBK). This research is a development research or Research and Development (R&amp;D) with research steps referring to the 4-D development model. The findings in this study are: 1) Islamic Education Teaching Materials at the Padang Panjang City State Detention Center have not been properly arranged in accordance with teaching material components such as a) KI and KD analysis, b) Material Title and Indicators and Objectives, c) Material Outline, d) References, and e) Illustrations of Images, Tables, Diagrams. 2) Based on experiments, Islamic Education Teaching Materials with the nuances of Adat Basandi Syara', Syara' Basandi Kitabullah (ABS SBK) can be applied in all Islamic Education teaching materials. 3) The validity, practicality and effectiveness tests show that the Islamic Education Teaching Materials with the nuances of Adat Basandi Syara', Syara' Basandi Kitabullah (ABS SBK) are very valid, practical and effective.</em></p> Hubban Jamma Duski Samad Muhammad Zalnur Copyright (c) 2024 Sinar Dunia: Jurnal Riset Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan 2024-08-02 2024-08-02 3 3 100 117 10.58192/sidu.v3i3.2424 Hubungan Persepsi dan Motivasi Diri Terhadap Minat Mahasiswa Pendidikan Jasmani Kesehatan dan Rekreasi Menjadi Guru PJOK <p><em>This research aims to find out the relationship of perception and self-motivation to the interest of students of Physical Education Health and Recreation to become teachers of Physics Education Sports and Health. This research uses a method of quantitative approach through causality relationships. The subjects used in this study are students from the Department of Jasmanian Education Health and Recreation State University of the 2020 Army. The sample determination was selected using a non-probability sampling method with a purposive sample approach, and the number was calculated using the Slovenian formula to total 131 students. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and documentation. The results showed that the relationship between the perception variable and the interest variable was 0.046 while the relationship of the self-motivation variable with the interest Variable was 0.860. From these values, claim that perception variables and self-motivation variables have a relationship with interest variables positively. The results of the Test of the determination coefficient of perception variables and self-motivation variables to student interest variables have a relationship of 85.1%. This it can be concluded that the self-motivation variable has a major role in the level of interest of students in Physical Education Health and Recreation to become teachers of Physical education Sports and Health.</em></p> Rizqy Kurniawan Tatok Sugiarto Copyright (c) 2024 Sinar Dunia: Jurnal Riset Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan 2024-08-07 2024-08-07 3 3 118 134 10.58192/sidu.v3i3.2434 Analisa Penyebab Short Cargo terhadap Muatan Soda Ash pada Pelabuhan Java Intergrated Industrial and Port Estate (JIIPE) <p><em>Indonesia is a country located in a strategic area, this makes the shipping sector in Indonesia a very important means of transportation and carrier in the world of international trade and transportation, making loading and unloading services mostly carried out in Indonesia. Therefore, the author conducted research to find out the process of unloading soda ash cargo at JIIPE Port and to find out the causes of short cargo occurring in soda ash cargo at JIIPE Port. This research was carried out with the aim of finding out the process of unloading soda ash at JIIPE port, then to find out the causes of short cargo in the performance of soda ash unloading at JIIPE port. In conducting this research the author used qualitative research methods with techniques in the form of conducting observations, interviews with the staff concerned, and carrying out documentation. From the results of observations, interviews and documentation of findings that the author obtained when conducting research, namely that there was a leak of soda ash cargo in the unloading equipment during soda ash unloading activities at JIIPE port which caused the soda ash cargo to become short cargo from the predetermined manifest. By implementing correct operational standards and using appropriate tools, it is hoped that the process of unloading soda ash can be improved and can minimize short cargo incidents when unloading soda ash. It is hoped that the results of this research will provide insight for loading and unloading companies to reduce losses due to short cargo and can also optimize logistics services at the Java Integrated Industrial and Port Estate port.</em></p> Deva Bintang Pratama Elly Kusumawati Antony Damanik Copyright (c) 2024 Sinar Dunia: Jurnal Riset Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan 2024-08-09 2024-08-09 3 3 135 164 10.58192/sidu.v3i3.2436 Upaya Peningkatan Hasil Belajar IPAS Melalui Model Problem Based Learning Terintegrasi TaRL pada Siswa Kelas IV SD Negeri Datar <p><em>This research aims to improve student learning outcomes through the application of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model integrated with the Teaching at The Right Level (TaRL) learning approach. This research was conducted at a partner school when implementing PPL II, namely SD Negeri Datar. This type of research is Classroom Action Research (PTK). Data collection methods use test techniques (evaluation questions), non-test techniques (teacher activity observation sheets and student activity observation sheets), and documentation. The type of research is quantitative. The research subjects were fourth grade students at Flat State Elementary School with a total of 31 students. The research results generally show an increase in students' science and science learning outcomes, which can be seen from the average score in cycle I of 70.3 with a completion percentage of 54.8%. The science learning results in cycle II obtained an average of 80.09 with a completion percentage of 90.3% with very good criteria. The results of the research show that the application of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model integrated with the Teaching at The Right Level (TaRL) learning approach is very effective to be used to improve science and science learning outcomes for class IV students at SD Negeri Datar in 2023/2024.</em></p> Fita Endah Pratiwi Afriatun Afriatun Anggun Badu Kusuma Copyright (c) 2024 Sinar Dunia: Jurnal Riset Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan 2024-08-10 2024-08-10 3 3 165 174 10.58192/sidu.v3i3.2443 Pemanfaatan Media Wordwall terhadap Evaluasi Pembelajaran Matematika di Sekolah Dasar <p><em>This research is motivated by the lack of utilization and use of digital-based learning media and less varied learning media. This research aims to develop learning media using Wordwall where students will learn based on media that has been validated and has been categorized as valid, practical, and effective. The type of research carried out is Research and Development (R&amp;D) using the ADDIE model which has 5 stages, namely Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Data was obtained based on a validation questionnaire of material experts, linguists, and media experts; questionnaire on the practicality of teacher and student responses; and the effectiveness of the results of the student evaluation test. The results of the material validity test in the development of learning media using Wordwall obtained a percentage result of 93.33% with a very valid category, a language validity test result of 96% with a very valid category, and a media validity result of 86.71% with a very valid category. Meanwhile, the results of the practicality test obtained a percentage of 91.25% with the category of very practical for the teacher response questionnaire and 94.66% for the student response questionnaire with the category of very practical and the results of the effectiveness test obtained a percentage result of 93.35% with the category of very effective. Thus, it can be concluded that learning media using Wordwall in grade IV Mathematics learning in elementary schools has been proven to be valid, practical, and effective in the learning process.</em></p> Annisaul Mutmainnah Refiona Andika Copyright (c) 2024 Sinar Dunia: Jurnal Riset Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan 2024-08-12 2024-08-12 3 3 175 190 10.58192/sidu.v3i3.2447 Identifikasi Bahaya pada Kegiatan Pengisian Bahan Bakar Kapal (Bunker Service) di Kantor Kesyahbandaran dan Otoritas Pelabuhan Kelas III Tanjung Wangi <p><em>This research is motivated by the high risk of safety and security in ship refueling activities (bunker service) at the Tanjung Wangi Class III Harbor Authority Office. This problem is important because accidents in this activity not only endanger the lives of workers but can also cause large material losses and serious environmental damage. Based on the formulation of the problem, this study aims to identify and analyze the factors that cause hazards, measure the associated risks, and formulate effective control strategies to minimize the risk of accidents and losses that may occur during the ship refueling process at the port. This research uses qualitative methods with data collection techniques through in-depth interviews, direct observation, and documentation studies. To ensure data validity, triangulation techniques of sources, methods and theories were used. The data were analyzed using several approaches: fishbone diagram to systematically identify the root causes of hazards, brainstorming to gather various innovative ideas and solutions, HAZOP analysis to identify operational hazards in detail, and SWOT analysis to develop a comprehensive control strategy that is suitable for the port's operational context. The results showed that the factors causing hazards in bunker service activities include a lack of understanding and safety awareness in human resources, obsolete and poorly maintained equipment, ineffective operational procedures, unfavorable working conditions, and the flammable nature of fuel. Hazard identification through HAZOP analysis revealed several potentially significant risks, such as fuel leakage and fire risk, which need to be controlled immediately. Suggested control strategies based on the SWOT analysis include continuous improvement of safety training, improvement and updating of operational procedures, regular maintenance of equipment, and close supervision by safety officers. Implementation of these strategies is expected to significantly reduce the level of hazard risk in ship refueling activities at the Tanjung Wangi Class III Harbor Authority Office, creating a safer and more efficient work environment.</em></p> Abadi Nurdiansyah Maulidiah Rahmawati Diyah Purwitasari Faris Nofandi Copyright (c) 2024 Sinar Dunia: Jurnal Riset Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan 2024-08-12 2024-08-12 3 3 191 220 10.58192/sidu.v3i3.2451 Peranan PT IMC Ship Management Selaku Auditor Internal Terhadap Safety Management System di MV. Dewi Shinta Manggala <p>Internal audit activities are carried out to meet and implement the Safety Management System (SMS) rules so that safety on board ships is implemented in accordance with the ISM Code. In addition, an internal audit conducted by a shipping company can minimize the findings of an external audit of the Safety Management System (SMS). The purpose of this research is to find out the implementation process, obstacles and solutions for the implementation of MV internal audit. Dewi Shinta Manggala. The method carried out in this study is qualitative descriptive. Data collection was carried out by in-depth interviews, observations, and documentation. The results of the study show that the obstacles faced in the obstacles experienced in the internal audit process are the unsuitable time between the ship's schedule and the auditor resulting in delays, crew ratings that are not optimal in implementing the Safety Management System (SMS), and the crew's understanding of the Safety Management System (SMS) on board the ship which is considered to be still lacking. So that the efforts that must be made, namely the company's internal parties communicate well with each other, the company gives strict sanctions to crews who do not optimally implement SMS, the company requires crews to attend SMS training.</p> Rizal Ardiansyah Dian Junita Arisusanty Teguh Pribadi Copyright (c) 2024 Sinar Dunia: Jurnal Riset Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan 2024-08-13 2024-08-13 3 3 221 237 10.58192/sidu.v3i3.2454 Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe STAD dalam Peningkatan Keterampilan Literasi Pantun pada Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri Cileguk <p><em>Qualitative methods used by researchers in research&nbsp; "The Application of the STAD Type Cooperative Learning Model in Improving Poetry Literacy Skills in Grade V Students of SD Negeri Cileguk" pantun is an old Malay poem native to Indonesia consisting of sampiran and a-b-a-b content. The purpose of this research is to improve the literacy skills of poetry. The model used in this study is a STAD-type cooperative model. The data collection technique used is the literature technique, while the data analysis technique uses the content analysis technique. Based on the results of research and discussion, it can be concluded that the types of poems based on their content in the book "Mantra Poetry and Pantun di Tengah Modern World Life by Korrie Layun Rampan in 2014" there are several types of poems, namely young poems, old people's poems, puzzle poems, longing poems, advice poems..</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Unus Unus Iis Ristiani Copyright (c) 2024 Sinar Dunia: Jurnal Riset Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 3 3 238 247 10.58192/sidu.v3i3.2461 Analisis Kendala Pelayanan Jasa Bongkar Muat Peti Kemas Terhadap Kelancaran Operasional pada Perusahaan Ekspedisi Muatan Kapal Laut <p><em>Container services are services related to the use of containers or containers in the process of shipping goods. The container itself is a special container used to pack and transport goods efficiently, especially in trade. In the process of putting goods or stuffing goods that are packaged in the form of pallets, metal boxes and bulk. The process to enter a 20-foot or 40-foot container is determined by the number of buyer requests. The author chose qualitative descriptive research because this research is in accordance with the nature of the author's research which is descriptive and uses interview techniques, documentation, and others. In addition, this research is also in accordance with the practical research objectives. Mistakes in container stock management can have a devastating impact on the company, such as damage to goods, additional costs, and a tarnished reputation. To improve container loading and unloading services, companies need to improve communication, employee training, truck checks, forklift maintenance, and collaboration with service users. The process of shipping goods through the port involves various stages and parties such as consignees, suppliers, shippers, and field executives. The results of the study can be found that the process of container loading and unloading services in expedition companies experiences various obstacles, such as late truck drivers, delays in sending documents, shortage of containers, damage to container moving equipment at the depot, delays in the start of working hours, and too many containers that do not comply with the specifications by the exporter. </em></p> Mochammad Riyan Havidzi Bugi Nugraha Akhmad Kasan Gupron Copyright (c) 2024 Sinar Dunia: Jurnal Riset Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 3 3 248 275 10.58192/sidu.v3i3.2462 Upaya Guru BK Dalam Membina Akhlak di SMK Muhammadiyah 04 Medan <p><em>This research aims to explore the efforts of Guidance and Counseling (BK) teachers in developing student morals at SMK Muhammadiyah 04 Medan, which is located in the Mesjid Raya Taqwa Block, Belawan Bahari, Medan Belawan, North Sumatra. This research uses qualitative methods with primary and secondary data. The results of the research show that the steps for moral development by guidance and counseling teachers include direct dialogue with students to solve problems, modeling by providing examples of good behavior, habituation by teaching commendable behavior, as well as providing advice and attention when students are affected by a negative environment. In addition, penalties are applied to violators of madrasa rules and regulations. Factors that influence moral development consist of internal factors, namely from the student's personality such as lazy behavior, and external factors which include the community environment, family, and unmet needs. This research reveals the importance of a holistic approach in moral development that involves direct interaction, role models, and attention to factors that influence students from within and outside themselves.</em></p> Umar Idris Dasopang Saiful Akhyar Lubis Irwan S. Copyright (c) 2024 Sinar Dunia: Jurnal Riset Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 3 3 276 302 10.58192/sidu.v3i3.2464 Analisis Keterlambatan Clearance in dan Clearance out Kapal Asing di PT. Pertamina Trans Kontinental Cabang Balikpapan <p><em>Sea transportation is in high demand in Indonesia due to the geographical conditions of the archipelago, low cost, and large carrying capacity. However, the development of international regulations has created a bureaucratic process that causes ship delays. Non-technical impacts also contribute to these delays. This study analyzes these factors to provide a basis for reducing ship delays that can lead to material losses, time, and opportunities. The research was conducted at PT. Pertamina Trans Continental Cab. Balikpapan during the author's job training from July 2022 to July 2023. Data were obtained through observations, interviews with staff, and secondary sources related to the thesis title. Using qualitative methods, this study focuses on delaying the clearance in and clearance out of foreign ships. Descriptive techniques include interviews, field observations, images, photographs, and video recordings. The results of the study revealed the main factors affecting the delays, such as bureaucratic and regulatory challenges, document availability, technical issues, and non-technical conditions such as weather and the COVID-19 pandemic. Recommendations include increased coordination between relevant authorities, development of integrated information systems, increased staff training, and infrastructure improvements. </em></p> Yudhistya Ardin Pratama Jose Beno Dian Junita Arisusanty Teguh Pribadi Copyright (c) 2024 Sinar Dunia: Jurnal Riset Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan 2024-08-15 2024-08-15 3 3 303 324 10.58192/sidu.v3i3.2466 Penguatan Moderasi Beragama di Indonesia <p>Ekstremisme dalam beragama menjadi salah satu penyebab seseorang maupun sekelompok orang melakukan tindakan intoleransi atas nama agama. Tindakan intoleransi dapat membahayakan serta merugikan orang lain serta mengancam keutuhan negara. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk memberikan wawasan dan praktik penguatan moderasi beragama di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan kajian literatur. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah temuan ilmiah dan refernsi inspiratif tentang penguatan moderasi beragama di berbagai sektor dan wilayah di Indoenesia. Moderasi beragama menjadi alternatif solusi bagi maraknya cara beragama yang ekstrem, klaim kebenaran secara sepihak dan semangat beragama yang bertentangan dengan konstitusi.</p> Manggala Wiriya Tantra Copyright (c) 2024 Sinar Dunia: Jurnal Riset Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan 2024-08-27 2024-08-27 3 3 325 337 10.58192/sidu.v3i3.2501 Hubungan Kondisi Fisik Dengan Hasil Prestasi Kelas Tanding Atlet Pencak Silat <p><em>The last two matches attended by athletes from the Segorogeni pencak silat school found that athletes in the same sparring category achieved different performances, raising suspicions that different physical conditions could affect athletes' performance achievements. The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between physical condition and performance in athletes from the Segorogeni pencak silat school. Subjets in this study includes all 37 active members, consisting of 22 males and 15 females. Data collection was carried out using test and non-test instruments. Non-test instruments included interviews and observations, while test instruments involved a series of tests to determine strength, balance, explosive power, speed, and endurance levels. Hypothesis testing using the Spearman rank correlation test yielded a significance value &lt;0.05, with a significance value of 0.046 for both variables and a correlation strength level between physical condition and performance at 0.329, indicating a moderate correlation. These results indicate that the physical condition of athletes from the Segorogeni pencak silat school is related to their performance in sparring classes.</em></p> Azmal Fikry Usman Wahyudi Copyright (c) 2024 Sinar Dunia: Jurnal Riset Sosial Humaniora dan Ilmu Pendidikan 2024-09-13 2024-09-13 3 3 338 350 10.58192/sidu.v3i3.2550