Strategi Komunikasi pada Relawan Tim P4GN (di bawah Naungan BNK) Kab. Sukoharjo dalam Sosialisasi Anti Narkoba
communication strategies, socialization, drugsAbstract
In Sukoharjo Regency there is a community and volunteers for the Prevention, Eradication, Abuse and Illegal Trafficking of Drugs (P4GN) under the auspices of the Sukoharjo Regency Narcotics Agency (BNK). Which operates in the field of drug education. The resource persons for this research were 7 (seven) volunteers from the P4GN Regency team. Sukoharjo. The aim of this research is to determine the communication strategies used by the Sukoharjo Regency P4GN team when carrying out anti-drug outreach
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