Peningkatan Partisipasi Memilih Pemilih Pemula Melalui Pendidikan Politik


  • Robyan E. Bafadal ITSKes Muhammadiyah Selong



Increased Participation, New Voters, Political Education


Many experts are worried that new voters will abstain or not vote in the next election. This is due to the lack of understanding by novice voters regarding the election implementation process. New voters are easily influenced by people closest to them such as family members and relatives. They also still do not understand the explanation from the KPU as the election organizer. (Wardhani, 2018) This is because the characteristics of today's beginner voters are very different from previous generations. Young voters or new voters are voters who have unique traits and characteristics. Most of them come from students, have good economic status, and generally live in urban areas. This group is very touched by advances in information technology. They use sophisticated technological tools ranging from laptops, cellphones, gadgets, and so on. They also connect with other people globally via Facebook, Twitter (now X), Instagram, LinkedIn and other social media. On the other hand, they face very serious challenges ranging from political changes and domestic problems with no clear direction, terrorism, virtual violence, free trade, the threat of nuclear war and a number of other problems. (Ibid)



Alfian, 1986, Pemikiran dan Perubahan Politik Indonesia, Liberty : Bandung

Budiardjo, Miriam, 2008, Dasar-dasar Ilmu Politik, Gramedia : Jakarta

Irawan, Anang Dony, 2019, Pendidikan Pemilih dalam Meningkatkan Partisipasi Politik Masyarakat pada Pemilihan Umum Serentak 2019, Jurnal Hukum Replik Volume 7 Nomor 1

Labolo, Muhadam dan Teguh Ilham, 2017, Partai Politik dan Sistem Pemilihan Umum di Indonesia : Teori, Konsep, dan Isu Strategis, Raja Grafindo Persada : Jakarta

Wardhani, Primandha Sukma Nur, 2018, Partisipasi Politik Pemilih Pemula dalam Pemilihan Umum, JUPIIS Vol X No. 1

UU Nomor 7 Tahun 2017 tentang Pemilihan Umum




How to Cite

Robyan E. Bafadal. (2023). Peningkatan Partisipasi Memilih Pemilih Pemula Melalui Pendidikan Politik. Sejahtera: Jurnal Inspirasi Mengabdi Untuk Negeri, 3(1), 198–206.