Mendongeng Untuk Menanamkan Moral Pada Anak Usia Dini Di TPQ At-Taqwa Masjid Ar-Rohmah Pracimantoro
early childhood, storytelling, , morals, charactersAbstract
Early childhood is the age of the child which is very decisive for the formation of a person's character, personality, intellectual and moral. So, parents must be able to maximize the provision of positive stimuli to children during their golden age. There are many ways that can be done in cultivating character and morals, one of which is storytelling. In a fairy tale, it usually contains elements of education, norms, various emotions and characters. Therefore, storytelling is an effective way of instilling morality in children, fostering creativity in children, increasing vocabulary in children, and increasing imagination in children. The method in this service is storytelling. Informants or subjects in this service are the early childhood children of TPQ At-Taqwa Ar-Rohmah Pracimantoro Mosque. The result of this dedication is to provide fairy tales to early childhood to teach a variety of emotions and characters for inculcating morals in early childhood. The conclusion from the dedication carried out by the resource persons can be explained that storytelling is an effective learning method for conveying moral messages to early childhood, because at their age, they have broad imaginations and tend to like fun learning methods, so they don't get bored quickly . By storytelling, instilling morals in early childhood is also easier.
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