Perancangan Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Penerimaan Kas Dari Penjualan Tunai Pada UMKM Tani OKU Timur
Design, Cash Recipt Accounting Information System, Small and Medium EnterpriseAbstract
The focus of this research is the importance of applying technology in the Cash Receipts Accounting Information System for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). This report aims to study procedures, electronic forms, and design of an accounting information system for cash receipts from cash sales at MSME Ria Tani. The aim of designing this system is to help companies manage their cash receipts system more easily and more efficiently. This will also help change cash receipt procedures which were previously done manually to become more computerized. Data was collected through interviews and observations. Secondary data obtained is in the form of cash sales receipts from cash sales transactions. Based on this data, there are two problems: cash receipt recording has not been carried out and cash receipt procedures are not in accordance with theory. Furthermore, the author advises MSME Ria Tani to use the Microsoft Access-based Accounting Information System for Cash Receipts from Cash Sales. This system is designed to make managing cash receipts easier and better, and companies can make daily and monthly reports on cash receipt reports from cash sales
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