Analisis Penggunaan Teknologi Internet Dalam Novel Hi-Fi Karya Bayu Permana
Internet Technology, Literature, HermeneuticsAbstract
The creation of literary works in various genres such as short stories, poetry and even novels cannot be separated from themes related to the development of technology, including internet technology. The novel genre literary work entitled Hi-Fi by Bayu Permana, published in 2019, contains several uses of internet technology in it which will be explained more complexly in this research. In this novel, internet technology as a whole is used as a means to explore information and knowledge in the learning process, as well as as a means of entertainment for playing games, watching streaming broadcasts, downloading videos, accessing social media, and so on. The method used in this research uses a hermeneutic approach, namely by analyzing in more depth several text fragments in the novel related to internet technology. Internet technology findings in the Hi-Fi novel include internet network technology, Wi-Fi, quota or data package, Mi-Fi, and hotspot.
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