Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penjualan Thrifting Dikalangan Milenial Berbasis Web


  • Laela Laela STMIK IKMI
  • Yudhistira Arie Wijaya STMIK IKMI



Thrifting, Information system, Marketing


In the world of thrft shops, I isan activity of marketing used goods online or offline, most of these seles are related to the marketing of used goods. The rampant marketing of used goods is one of which is the 1994Squad sales platform. Based on the observations that have been made related to the marketing used on the 1994Squad platform, currently marketing is still carried out directly by conducting bazaar event activities of promoting products online through the Instagram platform, so that it is considered imperfect so hat the used goods marketing mechanism does not apply. Meanwhile, marketing sold through the Instagram platform can result in losses, fraud, over-consumption because users are tempted to buy goods just because the goods offered are cheapher. In addition, problems with marketing using a platform that includes income recapitulation for each purchase that is used are still manual which triggers several errors regarding the sum of income. Due to the occurrence of many problems with thrifting 1994Squad sales, a thrifting sales information system was created. The method used to create this website is in the form of a data collection which includes the interview method and sales system design, while the software development method uses the DSDM approach to the agile method which goes through several stages. In using this method, the steps that must be considered are analizing the problems that occur in 19994Squad sales, the next step is to carry out a needs analysis in marketing make a information system design, then implement or develop software testing. For programming laguages using PHP, Codeigniter, Javascript, and CSS. Using XAMPP as the database. This reseasing has several objectives including increasing efficiency in the sales process, making transctions easier, responsible website users making it easier to get the produt they want at a very friendly price and accessible in various media. The results of this information system designcan change the marketing of used gooda through the Instagram platform by faciliting the sales mechanism, searching for well-known brand products, besides that it can prevent errors in shipping goods and errors in data input on thrifting 1994Squad sales.


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How to Cite

Laela Laela, & Yudhistira Arie Wijaya. (2023). Perancangan Sistem Informasi Penjualan Thrifting Dikalangan Milenial Berbasis Web. Wawasan : Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen, Ekonomi Dan Kewirausahaan, 1(4), 81–104.