
  • Wanda Siti Nur Azizah IKIP Siliwangi
  • Zakiyyah Ranianisa IKIP Siliwangi



Analysis, structural, short stories, objective.


This study specializes in analyzing the short story Kairos kopi by Putu Ayub using an objective approach to obtain the structure in the short story in the form of intrinsic elements namely theme, point of view, plot, setting, character, characterization, style of language, and message in the short story. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. As for descriptive qualitative is a study devoted to research thoroughly, broadly, and deeply. The results are in the quality of words, sentences and their meanings without comparing the results of this study with the results of other studies. The source of the data obtained is by reading carefully, critically the short story Kairos Kopi by Putu Ayub. Based on the results of the theme used in the short story, which is about struggle, that if we want to start something new we must not be pessimistic. This is consistent with the character in the short story, namely (I) who has a pessimistic character


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How to Cite

Wanda Siti Nur Azizah, & Zakiyyah Ranianisa. (2022). ANALISIS UNSUR INTRINSIK CERPEN “KAIROS KOPI” KARYA PUTU AYUB MENGGUNAKAN PENDEKATAN OBJEKTIF . Populer: Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa, 1(4), 90–97.