Pendekatan Matematika yang Digunakan pada Biologi
Mathematics, biology, modeling, genetics, epidemiologyAbstract
Despite their apparent differences, mathematics and biology are increasingly being used in tandem to model and analyze a wide range of biological processes. This article addresses the use of multiple methods, including population modeling, differential equations, mathematical genetics, and epidemiology, to the study of biology, a field known as biomathematics. Genetic dynamics and the behavior of biological systems, such as population expansion and disease transmission, are understood through mathematical modeling. SIR and SEIR models are used in epidemiology to describe how infectious diseases spread throughout a population. This journal emphasizes the value of mathematical approaches in comprehending intricate biological systems and the necessity of interdisciplinary research between mathematics and biology to address both theoretical and practical issues through a review of the literature. The purpose of this article is to explain the relationship between mathematics and biology and the application of mathematical models in the analysis of biological phenomena. This article uses a literature study writing method by recording research problems, analyzing, and collaborating different thoughts.
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